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Monday, April 20, 2009

Man Sex Pistol-Tongkat Ali -Eurycoma Longifolia/Pasak Bumi/Long Jack

Tongkat Ali extract benefit - Tongkat Ali side effects - Information on LJ100 Tongkat ali extract

Tongkat ali root works very well as an aphrodisiac, however high doses have side effects as listed a few paragraphs below. It is a good idea to use a low dosage of tongkat ali and not to take this herb every day. There is much misinformation on tongkat ali herb on the internet and many websites promote very high dosages which are likely to cause extremely unpleasant side effects. We trust the formulas and dosages made available by Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D. He advises treating this aphrodisiac herb with respect. As a supplement, tongkat ali is available as a full spectrum powder, for instance Tongkat ali 200 mg, or in various extract potencies including a popular high potency extract called LJ100. Do not take more than 25 mg of LJ100 a day, preferable every other day or every third day. We have had reports of unpleasant side effects with people taking more than 50 mg of LJ100 a day. Often you will find LJ100 products in a 80 mg dosage. The 80 mg of LJ100 dosage is not well tolerated by many users. As with many aphrodisiac herbs, it is better to use lower amounts and proceed with a slower sexual enhancement over several days as opposed to shocking the body with a high amount leading to unpleasant side effects. As to the full spectrum tongkat ali, a dose of 200 mg two days on, one or more days off, is reasonable. Some people may need to use it less frequently, others more frequently. There is an excellent, doctor-formulated, highly popular sexual enhancing product with tongkat ali called Passion Rx. Passion Rx has a very high reorder rate and it really works to enhance sexual pleasure and performance, in men and women.

In densely shaded greenery in the sweltering hot Malaysian rainforest, I watched three aboriginal men chop a mature Tongkat Ali root, one of the most powerful aphrodisiac plants on earth, out of dense soil. Researching sex-enhancing plants often puts me in marvelous and remote places. In this instance, the trail led me to Malaysia to research Tongkat Ali. For this I can thank Annie Eng of Herbal Powers, who first introduced me to this plant, and who accompanied me to Southeast Asia.
Tongkat Ali is a popular folk name for Eurycoma longifolia, a medium size slender tree reaching 10 metres in height. The name Tongkat Ali means “Ali’s walking stick.” Another folk name for the plant is Longjack. Tongkat Ali is native to Malaysia, lower Burma, Thailand, and Indonesia. The root is employed as a traditional remedy for the treatment of malaria, high blood pressure, fevers, fatigue, loss of sexual desire, and impotence. Tongkat Ali enjoys both a long history of traditional use, and a growing body of serious science corroborating its efficacy.
The difficulty of harvesting Tongkat Ali in the wild is one very good reason to cultivate the trees in plantations. Additionally, as this traditional plant remedy becomes more popular, supplies of Tongkat Ali in the wild will inevitably decrease. Over time, this tree could become endangered. To preserve the natural environment, and to protect remaining wild specimens of Tongkat Ali, Malaysia is currently establishing plantations of this tree. The Malaysian government is enthusiastic about the future of Tongkat Ali, and is providing economic support for its development. To every appearance, Tongkat Ali is a market volcano of Krakatoa proportions, ready to blow.


Stan said...

Great post. I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate sharing your post. Keep up your work!

Tobey said...

This product really works, in Indonesian tongkat ali is famous and widely known. So I like this, thank you very much.